I'll be leaving for Chicago tomorrow morning about three a.m.
These road trips are tiring, but they also give me time to think..
I've had quite a few questions e-mailed to me lately about how to get started in rescue and what the start up costs are.
When I get back next week, I'll post about the pros and cons of running your own rescue and also information about what is involved financially.
Just to give you an idea of what it costs to just do one transport:
This trip I'm taking 12 dogs and one cat. For the health certificates, shots and exams it cost me $182.00, my gas will be about $200.00. Not to mention the prior costs of feeding them & the veterinary care that is needed when they first come in, depending what is wrong with them.
All animals that I take in have at least 2 rounds of shots, Bordatella & Parvo/Distemper & have been dewormed several times.
The Humane Societies don't give me any money for the dogs. They invest their time and money, in getting them fixed, feeding, training, testing and housing them.
They have the ability to place these animals in loving homes faster than I would be able to & reach a much wider audience.
We all work with limited funds and do the best we can for the animals.
By each doing our part, the collaboration helps all animals involved.
So please support your local humane societies in any way you can, when you can:)
I've had three calls today about litters of puppies people wanted to surrender that I can't take in because I'm leaving..
They will probably dump them or bring them to animal control. I'm not sure what is worse..
I went to animal control yesterday and left in tears.
So many good animals..
While on the road I'll have some time to formulate a plan to somehow take some time to recharge..
I'm not sure if I can really take some time off. It truly makes me sad, when there is such a simple solution to the numbers.
Getting animals fixed is the only way to end the needless waste of life..
If you are in the Chicago area and are looking for a dog, these guys will be going to the Anti Cruelty Society, their link is in my side bar.

I'll check in next week...
Take care!!
Have a safe trip...
I posted a note on one of my blogs letting other fellow bloggers know about 'A Place to Bark'.
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