I have come to a point that as much as I would like to take time off and stop, I don't think I can.
I have a network of wonderful people & organizations that help me find homes for these animals.
If I were to stop it truly would be a waste of the networking I have established over the years.
I feel positive that everything will happen in it's own time. The building of our shelter, the spay/neuter programs and that little by little a difference will be made for the animals.
One day at a time and trying to live in the moment is what I'm focusing on...
I'm actually in a good place these day and am back to doing some meditation and my yoga, not to mention I am going to get back on a better eating schedule.
In doing so, I'm starting to lose weight and feel better, so I am taking some time for me, in between.
Please know that I will be sending out Thank You notes for all your donations, I have all the information, it's just taking me time to catch up. Claudine and a few other artists are helping me out with the Thank You art!! Many don't know that I run this rescue by myself, it's me and my husband. My husband's health is very poor these days. All he can do is sit with the animals and socialize them. I think this is probably one of the most important jobs of rescue.
To get the animals to respond to touch to trust again, is one of the most amazing gifts he can give to an animal.
He can't walk for long periods of time and will be in a wheelchair in the near future, please keep him in your prayers.
Without him I'm not sure I could do all I do for the animals...
I will be starting another blog, that will share the stories of many of the animals I take in and the environments they are taken from. While I know many don't like to see the unpleasant side of rescue, I think it's important to share the stories.
It will be there is you want to read and if you don't that is fine too!!! The choice is yours..
I will keep this blog on the upbeat side the other one will be a place for me to purge my soul.
Thanks for sharing this blog and the journey with me....
Here are some of the new faces here:
"MISTER PEABODY" is an Anatolian Shepherd mix or a St. Bernard/Mastiff Mix. Approximately 10 weeks of age and 23 pounds he is going to be a big, LOVING boy!! He was found in a metal container on a 90+ degree day. Almost dying from the heat, he is doing great and is currently being treated for mange.

"SLYVIA" is a female teacup poodle. Approximately 5-9 years of age & weighing 3 pounds, she is my special needs dog. Found wandering in the woods not far from a known puppymill. She has a terrible time walking as her legs have severe deformities. Surgery for her legs will be about nineteen hundred dollars. My friends groomed her and had her teeth done, amazing what a little love can do. She is so beautiful, how could anyone just throw her away....

"MAGGIE" is a female yellow lab/mix. Approximately 6-8 weeks of age. Spunky and very vocal.

"MAGNUM" is a male Doberman Pincher. He is approximately 1-2 years of age. Very busy & Loving. Very well socialized. Loves people and other dogs. LOTS of energy!!

"WIGGLES" is a female Australian cattle dog/mix. Approximately 6-8 weeks of age. Full of energy and attitude. Sweet, loving, non stop energy!!

"ETHEL" is a female Longhair Daschund. Approximately 1-3 years of age. She is Super LOVING!! An abuse case, terribly neglected. She has mange and severe skin infections. If you look closely you can see how long her nails are. Loves dogs and cats and just anyone who comes near her!! She is a non stop kisser.
It will take time to get her healthy but she is worth the wait if you are looking to adopt her.

Wow!! This post took me a good hour with all the pictures, so I'll post some more later...
Off to train the dogs:)
Thanks to Claudine I found your blog. You and your husband are amazing people. I love all the new rescues. I am especially taken with Sylvia. She reminds me of my Peke rescue named Owen who was found wandering with deformed legs probably from a puppy mill. Take good care of yourself, it is so hard when caring for all these animals who need you.
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