Life has been non stop, challenges for the past few months.
From Jeff being in a horrible car wreck and now having spinal cord damage to the financial struggles of the rescue & the over abundance of animals being surrendered to the pound in record numbers.
But as all things, this life is a journey and with each day and every new challenge that arises, we must face and find the joy within:)
That too can be a challenge, but one that is necessary for spiritual growth...

Lately, I have found myself in a curious place, one that has shown me how much I have learned to value my friends..
Those who love me, even though I have dropped off the face of the Earth, when I haven't responded to e-mails or phone calls.
My friends Claudine and Lynne have teamed up to help me with my fund raising efforts and will be helping me with many things so that I don't fall behind too much and disappoint people.
I don't have much time these days for anything else but caring for the animals, we have close to 100 animals on site with a transport headed north on Tuesday, & every other week after that. But I needed to check in and say HELLO!!!
We will also have t-shirts available for sale very soon!!!
Nov. Ebay Art Auction Call for Artists is underway! For info, email: aplacetobark2009@gmail.com Lynne Gillis is coordinating this for me, so if you e-mail her you will receive a response quickly, since it's not me:)
The whole month of November will be an on going art auction to fund raise to finish the shelter, so we can save more animals this winter. Detail posted soon!!
Much love,
My employer's united way campaign is coming up and I'm happy to say we can designate any 503(c) charity we want!
(though maybe a christmas-time visit is in order....)
Dylan - www.animoola.com
To that end, I have an art auction running on ebay through Giving Works to support A Place To Bark, but it is not showing up in your listings, the entire Art category is missing when I look at A Place To Barks charity listings. Just thought somebody should know so that you are getting the maximum benefit from the artists who want to support you.
You are in my thoughts and prayers ~take care
You are an ANGEL to do this for these babies...bless your puppy heart.
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