The days pass too quickly for me..
Wishing I could clone myself or stop time.
Stop time for those animals who wait for life or death.
Stop time for those whom I have fostered and just want to snuggle them a few minutes longer, before I send them into the world in hopes that they find responsible owners that will keep them till their last days.
Stop time catch up on everything I am always behind on....
(((and I am WAY behind)))
The picture below I find very symbolic, the road ahead..
What does it hold?? Where does it lead??? I hope it leads to a good life of Love and Happiness...

The past week I have sent my puppies up North to the Humane Society, via Rescue Waggin, sponsored by Pet Smart Charities.

They went up on the website today and by the end of the day were all adopted.
It's a Great thing and I'm thrilled they have their own people now, it's just a very bitter/sweet feeling, caring for these little ones and then sending them out into the world not knowing the people adopting them.
Wondering if you will ever see them again.. I dream of seeing them on the streets again someday, by chance or by fate.
The hardest one was "Ernie" He was one that almost died on me. He had such a personality!! Truly pulled on my heartstrings and I wanted so bad to keep him, but I can't keep them all, it just wouldn't be fair...

Without the Rescue Waggin Program & the Humane Societies, I don't know what so many of the animals in the south would do.
Well I do know, they would perish...
I want to Thank Everyone again for helping with donations, you help me to continue helping the animals...
This week I received donations of money, towels, receiving blankets, toys and some much needed vaccine.
We are just slammed with the need to vaccinate all the pups at the shelter, so that they can have a chance and not die due to Parvo or worms.
It is all so VERY much appreciated!!! I had enough in donations to buy enough wormer for the next month and catch up on some of my vet bills. Yeah!!! Every little bit helps:)
This is one of our new tenants, we took him in yesterday, he is very shy and scared..
His name is Bandit. He was thrown over a fence, had some wounds to his face and has a broken leg.
Only a few months old, I can't imagine why someone would do such a thing:(

The momma cat we took in a couple of weeks ago, her kittens just opened their eyes and have an awful infection going on.
I've never seen anything like it, the whole litter went to the vet today and most should be o.k. with medication, but this little one will most likely be blind. Please keep him in your prayers that he recover. I truly believe that miracles happen each day and prayer never hurts!!

I just got a call from animal control..
Just when I thought I was done bottle feeding kittens.
There are 4 there only 7 days old, so after I post this, off I'll go to go get them.
Tomorrow, I will post some Happy pics..
Have to dwell on the good, but not forget those in need..
Much Love to you all!!!
P.S. I have this weekend planned to play catch up and respond to all my comments & e-mail:)
Thanks for being so patient with me...
I have been encouraging people to come here and do what they can. You make us all want to make the world a better place. You just so ROCK! Hugs, Tiffini
I have just discovered your blog and am in tears of gratitude that you are doing such good work for these beautiful souls.
I did some volunteer work in a pet shelter a few years back here in Oz and was inspired by the bravery and spirit of the furbabies I came across. They were so beautiful and I was always so happy when they went to good homes.
I salute you and the cats and dogs of Australia raise their paws in gratefulness.
Dotee xx
I sent a box from Canada this week....let me know if you get it because I enclosed some treats...and aparently its against the rules to send packaged food across the border......
I sent a box from Canada this week....let me know if you get it because I enclosed some treats...and aparently its against the rules to send packaged food across the border......
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