The art auction is being moved back a few weeks. I'm truly sorry, but it is more work than I anticipated.
I thought I could get everything photographed, uploaded and listed myself in between chores, dogs and assignments.
The upcoming trips & transports have delayed me, but the auction will happen the week after Thanksgiving.
November 20th thru the 30th.
Not to mention I have had numerous artists ask if they could still send art in..
So please feel free to do so.
I always seem to be behind and hope to someday catch up with my life:)
The art is Fabulous and will be well worth the wait!!! I'm trying very hard to take the best photographs possible and that also takes some work.
I will be offline the next 4 days due to my computer needing some work, but promise to post as soon as it is working again.
Till then..
Loved seeing two of my daughters pieces on your blog ( egg collage an microscope slide charm with dog )
How will we be able to visit the auction on ebay? What name do you post under?
artfest 07 newbie
Bernie, I've said it before, but as you said, one can't say thank you too often.
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