Paws, Cause, Fabulous Photography & Give Away
"Falling in Love is Easy.. But staying in Love, is something Very Special"
-Author Unknown

(Photo by: Joe Frazz)
The quote above really spoke to me.. Especially when I look at all these adorable pups.
I worry about their future, because I have seen their past..
For many puppy mill pups that end up in pet stores, it is so easy to purchase a pet on impulse. Seeing their cute faces in the windows & cages.
Not realizing where the pups originally came from or the conditions they were born into.
The money spent at the pet shop or the Internet bought puppy, is what millers consider a cash crop. It puts more money than you can imagine, into the pockets of some who did not have the dogs best interest at heart.
I am reminded of this every time we take in dogs from puppy mill confiscation.
I hope that if you are considering adopting one of these darlings, that you realize they are to be loved and cherished for their lifetime.. Not just the short time they are pups.
My mind thinks about this every time I rescue a dog, who is so loving & good.
That they were loved, snuggled and kissed as pups, but are now is a grown adult and given up or discarded. These are a few thoughts that travel thru my mind daily..
Enough of my thoughts, I know they make you sad, but every now & then I do have to share a bit of my reality with you, for the sake of the animals & to help spread awareness.
Now for the Good Stuff!!!
Wowza!!! Total cuteness:)
These darlings are pulling thru, getting stronger everyday & will make it into adoptive home in the near future!!!
I hope you enjoy their happy photos..
"Dumpling the Puggle & puppies"

Close up of "Dumpling's" pups
Little "Lambkins" pups, 2 of 3
My Blessed little "Soul"
"Willameena" weiner & her cocktail Weenies..
"Eenie, Meenie, Miney & Moe"
"Ernestine's" pups

My last post I'm sure was hard for many to read...
I wish I did not have to post about such things or ask people to embrace their inner strength to view my blog, but it is a reality of life.
Not a perfect world by any means, but it is the world we live in, our world.
So we have to make the best out of what we have, continue on & hope for a better future..
Tomorrow is another day and the baby steps we take, to change the world little by little.
Will help create a better tomorrow, for the animals in need!!!
Speaking of a Better Tomorrow..
A dear friend of mine, who has been dedicated to rescued dogs,
NEEDS OUR HELP to win "A Dream Assignment" contest.
"The Day The Dogs Stood Still"
A Photographic Journey of Life and Hope
It is a contest where our votes could help him, help animals in need everywhere.
It costs nothing but a few minutes of your time to sign in & vote.
I know it's a pain to do, but hey it could make a world of difference for an animal in need!!!
And that is of the up most Importance, in my book:)
We've done wonders together in the past, so I'm asking you now to help a friend make a dream come true...
Joe Frazz is an Amazing Man, with a HUGE heart!!!
Not to mention one of our newest additions to our creative team here at "A Place To BArk".
He will have a regular spot on our blog weekly with his photos and we'll have caption contests.
Joe has donated time & photos to animals in need since "2005".
Photographing animals at 3 local shelters where he lives, is a regular part of his life.
Willing to give up a month, to follow his dream and raise awareness for animals in shelters across the country, by creating a Visual Anthology to share with the world.
You can judge for yourself, his love for the animals... A pictures speaks a thousand words!
This is how we can be a part of this project & help Joe win his "Dream Assignment".
Sign up
Log in
Click the Pic It box to the left of the screen.
This is the most important step, other than registering:
If you don't click the: Pic It box, it will not register & be counted.
He is currently ranked 17 and we need to stay in the top 10.
Leave a comment if you like, I'm sure Joe would LOVE to hear from you...
All Done!!! YOU DONE GOOD:) Pass this along to other animals lovers asking them to vote.. The Dogs THANK YOU!!!
For anyone leaving a comment here, you will automatically be entered to possibly win one of Joe's fabulous photo books. "Good Dog!" A book of friends.
44 pages of beautiful color photos & quotes. Signed by the Author.
Leave a comment & you could win a copy. Any comment will do!!
For example: Go JOE!!! LOVE Dogs, We Welcome you to A Place To Bark, etc...
This book is a must see, for anyone who loves dogs!!
Winner will be picked Saturday March 7th at 11:00 p.m.
It's when I'll have a moment away from doggie duty:)
A limited amount of these books are available for purchase.
Proceeds to benefit "A Place To Bark".
$17.95 include shipping, will be available 3/20/09
Send payment via Paypal:
Please include: Purchase Good Dog Book and all mailing information, when ordering.
Also, join Joe on FaceBook: Joseph Frazz, just message him & say Bernie sent you.
More news coming soon...
EDIT: The winner of Joe Frazz's "Good Dog" Book is: Debra Quartermain.
Please send me your contact information to and I will have it in the mail to you soon!!!
Thanks for the comments, love hearing from everyone:)