The needs are great and none of us, including me, ever do great things.
But we can do small things, with great love and together we can do something wonderful."
-Mother Teresa
WOW!!! I am amazed and so, so very, very, grateful..
The efforts put forth and the friendships that are pulling together to help the animals make me speechless.
All right, you know I always have something to say, but it has made me take time and really think about the future.
Please take a peek, we are in the Top Ten Badges!!! Zowie!!!
But we have to keep going, working hard,spreading the word and getting everyone to donate $10.00.
We need to be in the top 4, I'm truly convinced we can do this!!
One person can make a difference and each and every one of us is one person, who by coming together and connecting, can in essence, make a change in the world. The quote I posted today, spoke so strongly to me, I hope you enjoy it.
Tim and Claudine have been exhausting every effort to help me and I am forever greatful..
Please check out Tim's blog and see the beautiful piece of artwork he has created and is donating to our cause.
I will also follow suit, in an effort to show you how much I appreciate your support, by donating 5 of my original ATCs that were published in my Artist Trading Card Workshop Book and 5 signed copies of the book.
Everyone who has donated will be entered into a drawing, and I will draw 5 winners, who will receive a signed book and an original published ATC.
Thank you all, so very, very, much!!! YOU ALL ROCK!!!
WE ONLY HAVE 19 MORE DAYS AND ARE THREE WEEKS BEHIND, so we have to keep the faith and continue to get others to donate.
I have been traveling this journey of animal rescue for 8 years now and never thought or planned that I would have a chance of making a difference or even rescuing the amount of animals that we have.
But we have and will continue to do so, for as long as we can!!
Funny how life has it's own ideas on what it wants each person to do and I guess this is what I'm going to be doing for a long time to come..
I am going to need an industrial strength pooper scooper!!
Maybe Michael will make me poop can shrine for Christmas:)
Please take note donations can be made by Pay Pal, but in order for them to count in the contest you need to make them thru the "America's Giving Challenge Badge"
In other news: Chi-Chi is doing wonderful in her new home.
Here is a pic we took when we met Miz Bella and her kids in Chatanooga. They were darling and loved Chi-Chi. Chi-Chi's leg is a bit crippled, we fixed it the best we could. It was broken in several places. But it sure doesn't stop her.. She is like the energizer bunny!!
Otter came along for the ride, he loves to go for a car ride and will always try to go..
Lets all say a prayer and BELIEVE that this will happen!!!
Love and LIght to you ALL!!!
Again & Again & Again...
Theresa @
I was just thinking of you.... & then found a note on Carla's blog about your donation badge...I wondered why it had blanked out! so now I know...I will add the new one today!
I am loving all of your newest updates~ you are such an inspiration to me!!
hope all is beautiful in your world!!
I feel it in my bones ;) this is going to be your BEST year EVER!!
sending big squishy hugs!
xo ~Izabella
p.s. I am soooo jealous you had the chance to meet Mz Bella!!
Susan Chong
You know I rarely post here, but I've just got to say: YOU GO,GIRL!!! WE CAN ALL DO THIS!!! I'm soooo excited for you and for all the precious animals. Let the love and light pour in (and back out)!!!!!!! XXXXXXXXX
I don't get too much traffic on my one blog, but the blog about raw foods does get a couple of dozen or so hits each day. And Raw Foodists have big hearts, so hopefully that will help!!!
(PS--I'm such a huge fan of your art--you make such beauty in the world in so many ways.)
Good luck with the cause and let's hope you get in that top 4! GO BERNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Barbara & Jonathan
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